
Funky Owl

- detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Funky Owl" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Funky Owl" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Green Goat

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Green Goat"- tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Green Goat" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Waiting for Santa

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.

-detail from the painting on frame.

"Waiting for Santa" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Waiting for Santa" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Dreaming in Orange

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Dreaming in Orange"- tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Dreaming in Orange" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Mr.Curly Hair

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Mr.Curly Hair" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Mr.Curly Hair"is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Pink Cat

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Pink Cat"- tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Pink Cat" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Interviu FunkFishFriends pe facutdemana.com

FunkFishFriends – Tablouri decorative moderne

tablou Funk Fish

   "FunkFishFriends"este numele cu care am lansat în mediul online tablourile pe sticlă cu rama de lemn ale artistului plastic Ștefan Daniel Lazarescu (mai multe informaÈ›ii despre artist puteÈ›i găsi aici : http://www.stefandaniellazarescu.blogspot.com
   Acest nume există doar de 2 luni, în schimb, tablourile am început să le fac de acum 6 ani, ele fiind vândute atât în È›ară (magazine în BucureÈ™ti, Vama Veche, expoziÈ›ii sediul ONU, sala Dalles, târg Muzeul Țăranului Român), dar È™i în FranÈ›a, Anglia È™i SUA.
   Èšinând cont că de ceva timp s-a extins piaÈ›a iubitorilor de frumos, interesul pentru obiectele ce poartă amprenta creatorului a crescut È™i mediul online s-a dezvoltat destul de mult, am hotărât că e momentul să le fac cunoscute unui public cât mai larg.
   Astfel a apărut FunkFishFriends cu blog,cu pagina de Facebook,de Etsy, DaWanda, DeviantArt, implicarea în diverse acÈ›iuni umanitare online È™i încă se lucrează pentru cucerirea altor medii online!

tablou Indigoats


Cine ar trebui sa le cumpere si de ce?

   Cine: iubitorul de frumos, cel care apreciază creativitatea È™i unicitatea unui obiect, cel cu un suflet veÈ™nic tânăr, cel care caută un obiect decorativ vesel, cu totul diferit È™i deosebit.
   De ce: tablourile reprezintă un cadou deosebit, prin stil È™i originalitate, având darul de a înveseli È™i lumina casa dar È™i sufletele celor care aleg să-È™i decoreze locuinÈ›a cu lucrările mele! Fiecare pictură ascunde o altă poveste È™i energia ei magică, a unei lumi populate de personaje colorate, armonioase È™i fermecătoare!
   Temele È™i elementele folosite în fiecare lucrare reprezintă un joc ingenios între elemente din tradiÈ›ie, folclor (forme geometrice, animale tradiÈ›ionale, motive florale) È™i frumuseÈ›ea naturii care ne înconjoară în fiecare zi (prin ritmuri, proporÈ›ii, cromatica), interpretate într-o manieră personală.
   ÃŽn plus, deoarece FunkFish este mereu dornic să-È™i facă prieteni noi, clienÈ›ii își pot alege un tablou personalizat: culoare de fond, tema tablou, design È™i culoare ramă, totul poate fi făcut conform dorinÈ›ei lor!
   Pentru cei care doresc să vadă tablourile ”pe viu”, ele pot fi găsite în:
  • BucureÈ™ti – la magazinul Muzeului Țăranului Român, magazinul-galerie Gold Art Gallery (Hotel Hilton), magazinul HippieHippieShake (de la Hanul cu Tei);
  • PloieÈ™ti-expoziÈ›ie cu vânzare în Mall Primavera;
  • Buzău – Galeriile de Artă “Ion Andreescu”.
   De asemenea, mi-ar plăcea foarte mult să am colaborări È™i cu galerii sau magazine din Cluj, BraÈ™ov, Sibiu, IaÈ™i dar, cum timpul nu-mi permite deocamdată să le caut, mi-aÈ™ dori să mă găsească ele pe mine!

Citeste interviul in intregime pe:


Fish in the Blues

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Fish in the Blues" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Fish in the Blues" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).

For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Winter Bird

-detaliu pictura pe sticla
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Winter Bird"- tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Winter Bird" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Snowflake Elephant

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama.
-detail from the painting on frame.

"Snowflake Elephant"- tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Snowflake Elephant" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Aqautic Rhynos

"Aquatic Rhynos" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Aquatic Rhynos" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

One Little Piggie went in the Stars

"One Little Piggie went in the Stars" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei.(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"One Little Piggie went in the Stars" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Smiling Wolves

"Smiling Wolves" -tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Smiling Wolves" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Lollipop Lion

"Lollipop Lion" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Lollipop Lion" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


"Indigoats" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Indigoats" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Pink Turtle

"Pink Turtle" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Pink Turtle" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Ethno Bird

"Ethno Bird" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Ethno Bird" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Pig on a Bike

"Pig on a Bike" -tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Pig on a Bike"is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Golden Red

"Golden Red" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Golden Red" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Sweet Lips

"Sweet Lips" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei (+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Sweet Lips" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Looking for Love

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

"Looking for Love" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Looking for Love" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Owl on a Branch

"Owl on a Branch" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Owl on a Branch" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Pink Gang

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

"Pink Gang" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Pink Gang"is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Looking for You

-detaliu pictura pe sticla.
-detail from the painting on glass.

-detaliu pictura pe rama
-detail from the painting on the frame.

"Looking for You" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Looking for you " is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

Motherhood in Colours

-detaliu pictura pe sticla
-detail from the painting on glass.

"Motherhood in Colours" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Motherhood in Colours" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html


Blue Lover

-detaliu pictura pe sticla
-detail from the painting on glass

-detaliu pictura pe rama
-detail from the painting on the frame

"Blue Lover" - tablou pictura pe sticla cu rama de lemn ,pictata in culori acrilice.
Dimensiuni : 27x27 cm.
Pret : 95 lei(+taxe livrare).
Detalii despre taxele de livrare :  http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html

"Blue Lover" is an original acrylic painting on glass with a wooden frame also painted.
It measures 10,5x10,5 inches and it comes ready for you just to hang in your room.
Price : 95 lei(+ delivery cost).
For details concerning packing&delivery cost: http://funkfishfriends.blogspot.com/p/packing.html